Questions to Ask Yourself

country road

Don’t tell anyone, but I’ve been doing a bit of soul searching lately. For this I blame Oprah. I don’t buy her magazine, but I came across her latest issue in a waiting room and couldn’t put it down. In it was an article on questions to ask yourself.

Every once and awhile I look inward and think about where I am and where I want to be. I don’t do this as often as I probably should, but I find spring and fall terrific times to reevaluate my priorities. Here are some questions that I’m currently asking myself.

woman in thought sculpture

What’s working for me right now?

This is a big one. Thinking about it made me realize working from home and taking this pay cut is paying off for my family. Hot yoga and spinning are also working better for me than slugging it out at the gym.

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What’s taking too much out?

Travelling too much, complicated recipes and working on my computer after 9 p.m. aren’t doing me any favours. Oh, and I’m rejigging my daughter’s extra-curricular activities next year, so there’ll be less running around. If mama ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy…

What do I want to experience in the next few months?

Summertime used to fill me with dread. Worried about how to manage projects while having a child out of school, was no fun. This year I’m being more choosy about my projects and have slated in some activities I’m keen to try. Hopefully, there’ll be lobster fishing in PEI, bike rides from Canmore to Banff, a road trip to the West Coast and tennis lessons. Oh, and my 25-year high school reunion is at the end of this month. I definitely want to spend more time connecting with good friends.

Maybe I’ll be lucky enough to nail each off these items off my bucket list. Maybe not. The goal is to create space in my life to allow these things (and other fantastic opps that come up) to happen.

Do you regularly ask yourself questions? What do you ask yourself?

P.S. You also might like Comparing Yourself to Others and  What it’s Like to be a Life Coach

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