Girl Power and friendology classes for kids


Have you heard of GirlPower, a friendship program for girls? I recently went to a workshop with Eve run by URSTRONG in Calgary. The session taught her and other girls (typically in grades 3-6), the skills and language needed to develop healthy friendships.

How to raise resilient girls in Calgary with Friendology classes
Friendships can be tricky at all ages and stages of life.


The two hour session – now rebranded as Friendology was organized through her school. Friendology is a curriculum that empowers elementary aged girls and boys to stand up for themselves.

I’m grateful she was able to get this education at this age. Middle elementary school can be a tough time with kids crossing boundaries, not knowing how to stand up for themselves, how to confront a bully, etc…

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After taking just one Friendology session, she now knows the right course of action when confronted with either a bully or frenemy. In fact, I learned a thing or two about how women operate and why some are inclined to act nasty.

Friendship classes Calgary

Some people may think it’s ridiculous to have to take a friendship class, but those very people may be the ones with kids who are acting out of line with others. These classes don’t just run in Calgary. URSTRONG facilitates sessions for schools and private groups for parents and kids all around the world – but mainly in Canada, the United States and Australia.

Essentially, the classes explains to girls (and boys!) what normal friendship behaviour looks like, and the difference between healthy and unhealthy friends. I loved this analogy: healthy friends make you feel like you do when you eat healthy food, unhealthy friends make you feel like you do when you eat junk food.

Events are held throughout Canada, the US and Australia. Or you can organize a workshop for your school.

I’d love to hear from you! How do you build up self esteem in your daughter?

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2 thoughts on “Girl Power and friendology classes for kids”

  1. Leigh McAdam (@hikebiketravel)

    As my 28 year old daughter recently commented to me – girls can be so nasty to each other – with hidden agendas coming at you left, right and center.
    Sounds like a great program for your daughter and that’s what I love about you Jody – no hidden agendas and you’re a thoughtful, caring and sharing sort of person. I think your daughter has a powerful role model too.

  2. Dana Kerford

    Wow, thank you so much for writing this piece about GirlPower! I’m so glad you and Eve attended and found the GirlPower tips useful! Hugs to you both!! 🙂

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